Lamis Shams

Primary Instrument: Classical Piano

Lamis has worked at AMA for almost a year now! Her favorite part about working for AMA is the fact that it is a comfortable, yet professional working environment. The students are passionate, creative, and very well-behaved, which makes it fun and inspiring to be around them.

Outside of the academy, Lamis enjoys playing classical music, musical theatre music, and dance music. Her favorite go-to composers are Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, Chopin, and Prokofiev. She enjoys listening to pop music, or watching musicals in order to give her mind a break from classical music. Her favorite pianist is Evgeny Kissin, and her favorite singers are Beyonce, Whitney Houston, Frank Sinatra, and Celine Dion.

Unicorns or Dragons, and why?

“Unicorns because I love colors!”

Who is your favorite Disney Princess and why?

“Princess Jasmine, because I actually got to dress up as her once, and people say that I look like her!”

What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?

“Vanilla and Pistachio”

Do you have any secret talents or skills?

“I know how to tap dance!”

What do you like to do to relax?

“I like to lay in the sun, read a good book, or watch a good movie/series.”